Blog by Kathy Stilwell

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I was Lindsey Lohen's Dead Mother in Lifesize. Filmed in Vancouver.

This is not real estate related, but a fun story. About 10 years ago I dabbled in acting..Didn't do anything major, a few commercials, small parts, lots of extra work, photo double work etc. One of the funner(is funner a word) things I did was a Disney movie called Lifesize ..  It starred Lindsey Lohen and Tyra Banks. I was cast as Lindsey's mother. Lindsey was 11 or 12 at the time. I remember her being very polite, shy and very co-operative. We spend the day taking family photo's of the three of us...Me as the (dead) mom, Lindsey and my movie husband Jere Burns, who I am sure you will recognize..We had a few wardrobe changes and I remember it being a fun day.

Vancouver as I am sure you all know, has been called Hollywood North for many years. alas, my acting career never amounted to anything to much, just some fun memories and good stories.. Here is a clip from the movie, I'm in the movie quite a few times...Never got credit for it...but you can see me at 5;39 into the move..

If you have any questions or comments on this blog post or if you want to hire me for your next movie, you can email me at   or call me at 604-341-0101